Endlich bricht er das Schweigen und enthüllt die Wahrheit über Lady Di! ?? Der Schauspieler enthüllt das Geständnis des Prinzen und das ist etwas, wovor wir alle Angst hatten zu hören! ?? Haltet den Atem an, bevor ihr in den Kommentaren atemberaubende Details erfahrt! ??


Finally, he breaks his silence and reveals the truth about Lady Di!

The actor unveils the prince’s confession, and it’s something we all feared to hear!

Hold your breath before you learn breathtaking details in this article!?

Kevin Costner is one of today’s outstanding film stars, particularly famous for his roles in «Dances with Wolves» and «The Bodyguard,» which took his career to a new level.

For those who don’t know: The actor and the prince met a few years ago. According to his account, he didn’t hesitate for a second and later had no regrets.

Few details about their encounter are known, and many things remain unknown. Recently, the film star made a surprising confession about the late princess.

The «Yellowstone» star admitted that the prince expressed a desire to speak with him.

«I happened to be in England and received the message that the prince would like to speak with me. I said, ‘What?’… and then ‘Okay.’

We met in a room, just the two of us. He approached me, and we shook hands… The first sentence out of his mouth was, ‘You know, my mother kind of had a thing for you.'»

Overall, they spoke for half an hour. Although he refused to share many details about their encounter, he described their meeting as «sweet.»

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