The Police Horse Does not Work without His Morning Coffee

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Could you ever leave for to work without that perfect cup of coffee in the morning in a calm environment ? We are sure, no one could do it.

It is one of the best ways to start a perfect day by boosting the mood and energy and starting off our days. We can say the same about this police horse, who refuses to start the job without a mug of coffee.

The horse was captured having a cup of cappuccino before starting off the duty. All he wants in the morning before «going to work» is a perfect cup of coffee in his own place

As the owners of the horse, additionally, the horse also has some kind of preferences for having his. He wants his coffee always be sweet and hot.

The horse prefered to have his morning moment of peace without being in a hurry and anyone bothering him. It was really hilarious to watch the horse having his perfect time.

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