Watch the Cobra Taking Care of the Doggie

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Could you ever imagine that a snake can look after doggies? Perhaps, no one would believe in it.  We all know that snakes are considered animal, which eat others animals for survival.

On Saturday morning, the two doggies got trapped in a cave and did not know how to get out. They were so scared and did not know what to do.

They got even more frightened, when a snake approached them. One of the doggies was barking and screaming heavily. They were asking for help, but no one would come to save them.

However, the cobra did nothing but took care of the little cute puppies, who were lost in the new environment. After a while, they started feeling protective and safe.

When the rescuers arrive, they were shocked seeing the puppies and the snake together happy and already having a good company with each other and making new connections.

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